About Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF)

About Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF)

  • The central aim of training Aikido is to provide a way or path to follow that will help you blend with challenges in life both in the dojo and in your everyday life. We often say “…Aikido and life are one …”

  • Aikido provides a centred philosophy in physical and psychological terms that allows you to blend, manage, and overcome crisis, stress and discord in both your personal and public life, through regular practice as an effective martial art. Aikido will equip you to deal with multiple opponents who may be an armed or unarmed threat, acting alone or in a gang.   

  • There are no winners or losers in aikido, for there are no contests. Aikido is a martial art that seeks to blend or redirect and control aggression through the study of techniques that are not directly opposing it. 

  • Aikido does not seek to defeat or humiliate an opponent, or even to establish competitive superiority, but only to protect oneself and others.

What Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) can teach us

      1) Highly Efficient and Effective Self-defence Techniques:  By coordinating one movement with another's, one could learn to bring the opponent's strength into one's own sphere, thereby neutralising the attack. No matter what form it took, Aikido would only do enough to bring the attacker under control, using only small strength with as little physical  harm as possible. Aikido uses the principle of non-resistance, non-violent way of defending oneself.

      2) Awareness and Self-reflection physically and mentally: By training with various people by size, gender, age and background, you can learn the physical safe space and timing to act when you need. In addition, you will rediscover your personalities and learn how to control oneself by going through hard training.

      3) A way to harmonise with others and situational awareness : By learning Aikido techniques and awareness, you can obtain the calmness based on confidence but not self-conceit. Knowing you have both physical and mental strength you can be humble and flexible fitting yourself to live in harmony both at private and public environments. 

The translation of Aikido; the word "Aikido" breaks down by syllable as follows:

  • "ai" - harmony, to unite, co-ordinate, bring into

  • "ki" - spirit, energy, mental power, inner strength

  • "do" - the way, the spiritual path, the method, system

The central aim of training Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) Aikido is to provide a way or path to follow that will help you blend with challenges in life both in the dojo and in your everyday life. We often say “…Aikido and life are one …”

Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) Aikido provides a centred philosophy in physical and psychological terms that allows you to blend, manage, and overcome crisis, stress and discord in both your personal and public life, through regular practice as an effective martial art. Aikido will equip you to deal with multiple opponents who may be an armed or unarmed threat, acting alone or in a gang.

Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) teaches that there are no winners or losers in aikido, for there are no contests. Aikido is a martial art that seeks to blend or redirect and control aggression through the study of techniques that are not directly opposing it. 

Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) teaches not seek to defeat or humiliate an opponent, or even to establish competitive superiority, but only to protect oneself and others.

Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) movement uses circular movements even when they appear to almost straight line.

Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) circular movement is not confined to one plane. It can range though any angle within a sphere.

Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) relies on speed, distance, and timing, and the movement of the opponent centre of gravity,  rather than weight or strength.

Through the concentration of power at a moment in time and space, aikido enables the small person to defeat the larger person(s).



1) Practical Bujutsu: Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) is well known for its efficient, effective and realistic techniques trained by Riot Police, Security Police and Metropolitan Police in Tokyo, Japan.

2) Strong Basics and Safe Form Training: Aikido Yoshinkai Foundation (AYF) is strong in basics, having developed six basic movements to train your body and imprint required moves for applying techniques in a fastest way. It is a great advantage to have the form training style which gives you learn techniques with maximum efficiency and with minimum risk of getting injured.

3) Theoretical Methods to learn Yoshinkan Skills: By practicing basic movements and basic techniques repeatedly your body starts reacting any forms of attacks without a moment of thinking. Aikido is something hard to learn at beginning due to its principle of moves-against-instinct, yet we can master the skills efficiently in a methodical class.

Multiple opponents – “Hold an opponent to catch an opponent “

One of the distinctive features of aikido is that it is not just used in one on one situations but may be used when facing multiple attackers. Through the use of strong  posture  and perception of your opponents in the situation you face, aikido equips us to move freely around many opponents as they fall over each other in their confusion of attacking you.